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Flat and house renovation in Belo Horizonte

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4.5 of 5
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‘Flat and house renovation’ in Belo Horizonte

Valdeilson P.

1 review
2 orders
ID verified
Construções, reformas em geral pinturas,elétrica, hidráulicas água quente, água fria,gás encanado,rebaixo de tetos
se puder entrar em contato comigo pelo whatsapp, 21998331695 , Rafaela, não sei mexer muito bem nesse app e acabei encerrando o pedido
Rafaela Silva, 2 months ago

Ademir D.

1 review
2 orders
ID verified
Pedreiro em geral serviços de qualidade e no precinho camarada faça seu orçamento ,profissional dedicado e experiente ,a 25 anos no ramo pronto pra realizar a sua sonhada reforma ou construção !
Ótimo profissional! Transformou meu quarto, irei chamar outras vezes pra fazer mais serviços necessários aqui em casa
Lucas Lobo, 4 months ago

Manoel R.

1 review
1 order
ID verified
Pedreiro de acabamento refinado Especialista em banheiros Galera postei algumas fotos abaixo de alguns serviços que eu já fiz
Nota 10! Excelente profissional! Com certeza sempre que eu precisar eu o contratarei. Obrigada, Manuel!
Sônia Medeiros Dias, 5 months ago
A lot of highly rated specialists will see your order

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'Flat and house renovation' in Belo Horizonte city

What types of renovation specialists can I find in Belo Horizonte through inDrive.Services?

You can find a wide range of renovation specialists including architects, interior designers, painters, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and more.

How can I hire a renovation specialist in Belo Horizonte using inDrive.Services?

Hiring a renovation specialist through inDrive.Services is easy:
  • Visit our website and specify your location as Belo Horizonte.

  • Fill out the form detailing your renovation requirements.

  • Submit the request and start receiving offers from specialists in less than 5 minutes*.

Can I hire renovation specialists for both flats and houses in Belo Horizonte?

Yes, you can find renovation specialists for both flats and houses in Belo Horizonte through our platform.

Are there specialists available for urgent renovation projects in Belo Horizonte?

Yes, many specialists on inDrive.Services are ready to assist with urgent renovation projects in Belo Horizonte.

How can I ensure the quality of the renovation specialist's work?

You can choose a renovation specialist based on their ratings, feedback from previous clients, portfolios, and experience to ensure high-quality work.

Can I request multiple quotes from different renovation specialists in Belo Horizonte?

Yes, you can receive offers from multiple renovation specialists and compare them before making a decision.

What are the benefits of using inDrive.Services to find renovation specialists in Belo Horizonte?

Experience the advantages of inDrive.Services for finding renovation specialists:
  • Simple ordering process

  • Quick responses from specialists

  • Informed choice based on ratings, feedback, portfolios, and prices

  • Verified specialists for safety
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