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Plumbers in Belo Horizonte

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4.3 of 5
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‘Plumbers’ in Belo Horizonte

Everson S.

1 review
1 order
ID verified
Marido de aluguel faço manutenção e reformas em geral pequenos e grandes reparos . Elétrica alvenaria hidráulica pinturas em geral pisos laminados revestimento forro madeira e PVC ...telhados e etc ..
Ótimo profissonal, fez um bom serviço e foi muito solícito.
Leila Souza, 11 hours ago

Igor B.

1 review
1 order
ID verified
Técnico em informática, enfermagem, Hardware. Experiência em eletromecânica e trabalhos de eletricista. Pedreiro, encanador, bombeiro hidráulico, assentamento de portas, tomadas, ventiladores, troca de vidro e montagem de móveis.
prestou um bom serviço, entregando conforme combinado e garantido a excelência do trabalho
Ana Carolina, 1 month ago

Thiago R.

2 reviews
4 orders
ID verified
Satisfação me chamo Thiago trabalho com marcenaria, cenografia tenho uma equipe boa trabalhando com obras em geral Desde já agradeço Gratidão sempre!
Serviço realizado e confiável. Ele enviou o sogro dele que trabalha junto para fazer o serviço, aonde foi concluído no dia seguinte.
Rafael Almeida, 2 months ago
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'Plumbers' in Belo Horizonte city

What plumbing services are available in Belo Horizonte?

In Belo Horizonte, plumbers offer an array of services tailored to your needs. From fixing and replacing plumbing fixtures to repairing leaks, installing water heaters, and maintaining water and sewage systems, they've got you covered.

How can I book a plumber in Belo Horizonte through inDrive.Services?

Booking a plumber in Belo Horizonte via our platform is a breeze:
  • Simply hop onto our website and navigate to the "Repairs and Construction" category, then select "Plumbers."

  • Fill out the form with details of your issue or requirements.

  • Hit submit, and within just 5 minutes*, you'll start receiving offers from skilled plumbers ready to assist.

Can I hire a plumber in Belo Horizonte for emergencies?

With inDrive.Services, finding an emergency plumber in Belo Horizonte is hassle-free. Just let us know the urgency in your request, and relevant offers will come flooding in to save the day.

How can I ensure the reliability of a plumber hired through inDrive.Services?

Rest assured, all the plumbers featured on our platform undergo rigorous vetting processes to ensure their reliability and professionalism.

Is there a warranty on the services provided by plumbers from inDrive.Services?

While we don't offer guarantees on their work, many of the plumbers on our platform provide warranties for added peace of mind. Simply discuss your needs directly with the professional to explore your options.
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