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Furniture assembly in Curitiba

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‘Furniture repair and assembly’ in Curitiba

Alexandre S.

6 reviews
7 orders
ID verified
Experiência na montagem e fabricação de móveis em MDF, bloco ( compensado), planejados, projetados por arquiteto ou não, mais de 30 anos no ramo.
Muito educado, experiente e executou o serviço com excelência. Gostei muito do serviço e super recomendo.
Rayara Cavalcanti, 10 days ago

Bruno Ewerton L.

7 reviews
19 orders
ID verified
Com 26 anos de experiência em manutenção geral , destaco-me montagem de móveis, colocação de cortinas e acessórios, mecânica e eletrônica básica , higienização de estofados, pinturas em geral, instalações elétricas, pintura automotiva, portões e laqueadura em móveis e acessórios conferindo um toque refinado. Minhas habilidades abrangem desde pequenos reparos até projetos complexos, assegurando eficiência e durabilidade. Meus equipamentos são profissionais para entregar o serviço de forma primorosa e alta qualidade garantindo segurança e conformidade. Comprometido com a excelência, ofereço serviços profissionais a preços acessíveis, adaptando-me às necessidades específicas de cada cliente. Minha jornada reflete paixão pelo trabalho manual e dedicação.
EXCELENTE!!!!! Super educado, pontual e serviço impecável!
Lena Peixoto, 4 days ago

Luiz H.

12 reviews
19 orders
ID verified
*pequenos reparos *montagem de móveis *tomadas *chuveiro *pisos/porcelanato *espelhos e vidros *instalação de suportes *furação *pinturas *limpeza *portão eletrônico *viagens executivas
Excelente profissional, educado, ágil e preço justo. Aqui os reparos eram em móveis antigos e qualidade mediana. Conseguiu as peças e o serviço ficou top. Super indico.
Edenilson Przybylovicz, 10 days ago
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'Furniture repair and assembly' in Curitiba city

What does the furniture assembly service on inDrive.Services in Curitiba cover?

The furniture assembly service available on inDrive.Services includes the assembly and disassembly of various types of furniture, encompassing both home and office furniture, among others. Our registered experts are well-prepared to follow the manufacturer's specifications, ensuring the correct assembly of your furniture. This service covers a wide range of furniture types.

What are the benefits of hiring a specialist through inDrive.Services?

  • Easy Ordering: Initiate your service request with a simple form.
  • Quick Responses: Expect initial offers from specialists in as little as 7 minutes* after submitting your request.
  • Informed Choices: Select the right specialist based on their ratings, reviews, previous work portfolios, or pricing that aligns with your preferences.
  • You're in Charge: Clients have the autonomy to set the price or choose an option when specialists present their prices. Subsequently, clients and specialists negotiate all order details and pricing directly, without platform interference. Payments are also made directly from the client to the specialist.
  • Verified Professionals: Every specialist undergoes a thorough verification process, including ID checks and criminal record screenings.

How does scheduling the furniture assembly service through inDrive.Services in Curitiba work?

  • Fill out a brief form with your furniture assembly or disassembly service details.
  • In around 7 minutes*, you'll begin receiving competitive offers from furniture assembly specialists.
  • Choose a perfect specialist for your task by comparing ratings, reviews, portfolios, and prices.

Is it safe to hire furniture assembly specialists through inDrive.Services?

Absolutely! Safety is a top priority at inDrive.Services. All specialists providing furniture assembly services on the platform undergo rigorous checks, including identity verification and criminal records checks. Your peace of mind is important to us, and we're committed to making it simple to find experts in furniture assembly and repair.

Do furniture assembly specialists also handle furniture repair tasks?

Certainly, many furniture assembly professionals also offer minor furniture repair services. If you require repairs for existing furniture, you can discuss this during the scheduling process. Specialists can assess the required work and provide a quote for the repair services, which may include replacing missing parts like screws, for example.

What types of furniture can I get an assembly specialist for through inDrive.Services?

Through inDrive.Services, you can find assembly experts for various types of furniture, including House furniture, Office furniture, and Modular furniture.

How do I make payments for the furniture assembly service on inDrive.Services?

Payment methods for furniture assembly services are agreed upon directly with the specialist. Typically, payment is made to the professional upon the completion of the service, either in cash or through other pre-arranged payment methods.

Can I hire multiple specialists or companies in Curitiba to disassemble a large number of furniture pieces or to expedite the process?

Absolutely! If you require the disassembly of a large quantity of furniture pieces in Curitiba or want to expedite the assembly and disassembly process, you can hire multiple freelancers or companies through inDrive.Services. Simply specify the number of pieces to be disassembled and your desired timeline in the scheduling form. Our experts will coordinate and ensure the work is completed according to your needs and expectations.
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