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Furniture assembly in Manaus

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‘Furniture repair and assembly’ in Manaus

Alexandre S.

6 reviews
7 orders
ID verified
Experiência na montagem e fabricação de móveis em MDF, bloco ( compensado), planejados, projetados por arquiteto ou não, mais de 30 anos no ramo.
Muito educado, experiente e executou o serviço com excelência. Gostei muito do serviço e super recomendo.
Rayara Cavalcanti, 10 days ago

Bruno Ewerton L.

7 reviews
19 orders
ID verified
Com 26 anos de experiência em manutenção geral , destaco-me montagem de móveis, colocação de cortinas e acessórios, mecânica e eletrônica básica , higienização de estofados, pinturas em geral, instalações elétricas, pintura automotiva, portões e laqueadura em móveis e acessórios conferindo um toque refinado. Minhas habilidades abrangem desde pequenos reparos até projetos complexos, assegurando eficiência e durabilidade. Meus equipamentos são profissionais para entregar o serviço de forma primorosa e alta qualidade garantindo segurança e conformidade. Comprometido com a excelência, ofereço serviços profissionais a preços acessíveis, adaptando-me às necessidades específicas de cada cliente. Minha jornada reflete paixão pelo trabalho manual e dedicação.
EXCELENTE!!!!! Super educado, pontual e serviço impecável!
Lena Peixoto, 4 days ago

Luiz H.

12 reviews
19 orders
ID verified
*pequenos reparos *montagem de móveis *tomadas *chuveiro *pisos/porcelanato *espelhos e vidros *instalação de suportes *furação *pinturas *limpeza *portão eletrônico *viagens executivas
Excelente profissional, educado, ágil e preço justo. Aqui os reparos eram em móveis antigos e qualidade mediana. Conseguiu as peças e o serviço ficou top. Super indico.
Edenilson Przybylovicz, 10 days ago
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'Furniture repair and assembly' in Manaus city

What services are available for furniture assembly and repair in Manaus?

Furniture assembly and repair specialists in Manaus offer a wide range of services, including assembling new furniture pieces, disassembling and reassembling furniture for relocation, repairing damaged furniture components such as legs, drawers, or frames, and refinishing or repainting to restore the appearance of your furniture.

How can I find a furniture assembly and repair specialist in Manaus on inDrive.Services?

  • Fill out a brief form outlining your specific requirements, including the type of furniture, the extent of repair needed, or assembly instructions.

  • Choose a preferred date and time for the service, and suggest an expected price, or allow specialists to propose their quotes.

  • Start receiving proposals from verified experts within about 5 minutes* after submitting your request.

  • Select the most suitable specialist based on their qualifications, ratings, and offered prices.

  • Communicate directly with the chosen specialist, receive the service, and share your feedback through reviews and ratings to assist future clients.

What are the advantages of using inDrive.Services for furniture assembly and repair in Manaus?

  • Access to diverse specialists: Find experts skilled in furniture assembly, repair, and restoration to meet your specific needs.

  • Prompt responses: Receive offers from verified specialists in approximately 5 minutes* after submitting your request.

  • Verified experts: Our specialists undergo thorough verification processes, including identity and background checks, ensuring reliability and trustworthiness.

  • Informed decision-making: Explore reviews, ratings, and portfolios of specialists to make informed choices about the service provider.

  • Transparent communication: Engage directly with specialists to discuss details, negotiate prices, and ensure clarity throughout the service process.

What is the average cost of furniture assembly and repair services in Manaus?

The cost of furniture assembly and repair services in Manaus can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the task, the type of furniture, and the materials required for repair. For an accurate estimate, we recommend submitting your request on our platform and reviewing the proposals provided by specialists.

Can furniture assembly and repair specialists from inDrive.Services assist with custom furniture projects?

Yes, you can find specialists on our platform who offer custom furniture design, fabrication, and assembly services. Simply provide your specifications and requirements in the order form to connect with the appropriate experts.

How can I maintain the quality of assembled furniture myself after professional services?

Basic maintenance of assembled furniture includes periodic cleaning with appropriate solutions, tightening screws and bolts, checking for loose joints or connections, and avoiding exposure to excessive moisture or direct sunlight, which can cause damage over time. Following manufacturer's guidelines for care and maintenance is recommended.
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