Você está em Belém?

Mecânicos de veículos em Belém

Média de avaliação dos especialistas para este serviço
4.8 de 5
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Especialistas altamente qualificados

"Mecânicos de veículos" em Belém

Rodrigo L.

95 comentários
155 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Roma mecânica e elétrica, especializada em Vans diesel e carros em geral Atendimento domiciliar Serviços de solda tb
um excelente profissional, não descansa enquanto não solucionar o defeito. muito educado, eu recomendo.
Eduardo Nogueira, há 3 meses

Miguel d.

64 comentários
131 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Chaveiro, eletricista, hidráulica, montador de móveis, móveis planejados, marceneiro, pintor, serralheiro, marido de aluguel , reparos e manutenções em geral, socorro mecânico, auto assistência 24h, chaveiro automotivo e residencial. Como podemos ajudar?
Pessoa muito profissional, rápido, disponível. Obrigada Miguel por salvar nosso final de ano.
Ananda Amaral, há 8 meses

Eduardo Cezar A.

12 comentários
40 pedidos
Identidade verificada
Mecânico de veículos cabeçotes,motores, injeção eletrônica, suspensão, freios, mecânica em geral.Funilaria em geral e mecânica de moto e bicicleta. Soldador de ferragem portão em geral. Motorista profissional. Etc
ótimo resolveu meu problema por um ótimo preço e muito rápido
Patrick Alves, há 4 meses
Muitos especialistas bem avaliados verão seu pedido

As pessoas estão vendo também

Com o serviço "Mecânicos de veículos" na cidade de Belém

Serviços em Belém



Perguntas frequentes

'Mecânicos de veículos' na cidade de Belém

What types of auto mechanic services are available in Belém through inDrive.Services?

inDrive.Services in Belém offers a wide range of auto mechanic services, including but not limited to:
  • Routine maintenance (oil changes, tire rotations, etc.)

  • Engine diagnostics and repairs

  • Brake system repairs

  • Suspension and steering repairs

  • Electrical system repairs

  • Air conditioning system repairs

  • Transmission services and more!

Why should I choose auto mechanics through inDrive.Services in Belém?

We prioritize excellence in service and ensure that all auto mechanics registered with inDrive.Services are experienced, reliable, and skilled in their craft. By choosing auto mechanics through our platform, you can expect high-quality service, transparent pricing, and convenience.

How do I find and hire an auto mechanic in Belém through inDrive.Services?

Hiring an auto mechanic in Belém through inDrive.Services is simple and convenient:
  • Select the "Roadside assistance" services on inDrive.Services.

  • Submit your service request detailing the issue with your vehicle.

  • Receive proposals from qualified auto mechanics in less than 5 minutes.

  • Choose the auto mechanic that best fits your needs based on their profile, ratings, and reviews.

  • Contact the chosen auto mechanic to discuss the details of the service.

What are the payment options for auto mechanic services booked through inDrive.Services in Belém?

Payment options may vary depending on yours and the auto mechanic's preferences. Payments can be made directly to the auto mechanic upon completion of the service, either in cash or through electronic transfer methods. Ensure to discuss payment details with the chosen auto mechanic before confirming the service.

Can I schedule auto mechanic services for specific dates and times?

Yes, you can schedule auto mechanic services for a date and time that suits your schedule. Our platform allows you to coordinate with auto mechanics directly to find a mutually convenient appointment time.

Can I request additional services beyond what is initially discussed with the auto mechanic?

Yes, you can discuss additional services or repairs with the auto mechanic directly before or during the service appointment. They will provide you with recommendations and cost estimates for any additional work needed.

Are there any benefits to using inDrive.Services to find auto mechanics in Belém?

Here are some benefits of using inDrive.Services:
  • Fast and easy access to a network of verified and skilled auto mechanics.

  • Transparent pricing and easy comparison of rates and services.

  • Convenient ordering process and prompt responces from specialists.

  • Peace of mind knowing that you're hiring verified professionals for your vehicle needs.
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‘Mecânicos de veículos’

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